HexaHexen - HexaWitches Ebook part 2 - 12 more blocks plus layout for english paperpiecing - in GERMAN LANGUAGE

HexaHexen - HexaWitches Ebook part 2 - 12 more blocks plus layout for english paperpiecing - in GERMAN LANGUAGE


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E-Book only in GERMAN LANGUAGE right now!

Block 25 - 36
(there are two other Hexa-Books, Block 1-12 and 13-24, you can use each book separately)

The HexaWithches ! 12 blocks using "English Paper Piecing" (hexagon technique) with 12 matching witch stories.
Block size 18 cm, these blocks are made square. So they can be used anywhere without being bound to the hexagon shape. Whether hexagon or hexagon square, the HexaWitches are very popular! These blocks are part of the Country Rose Club, currently two more blocks are released every month.
The first 12 blocks are including an introduction with instructions for a complete quilt and they are available here. This EBook contains the templates in original size for sewing, plus with each block an explanation for the name of the block.


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