Makai Hawaiian Sampler blocks - 12 blocks - ENGLISH and GERMAN VERSION

Makai Hawaiian Sampler blocks - 12 blocks - ENGLISH and GERMAN VERSION


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12 blocks, each 20 x 20 centimeters, are given in this Sew Along, you can always vary colors, background fabrics, etc. and so each block looks completely different again.
So it is possible to appliqué the same block twice and still create a completely different look.

Whether your layout is about 3 x 3, or 4 x 3, or extensions of any kind, you sew as many or as few blocks as you enjoy.

With sashings, with more elaborate fabrics as sashings, start with one block and start your journey. Hawaiian applique is a very soothing way to hand stitch, you only need two pieces of fabric, thread and scissors. It always goes around the block.
And another tip – blocks are also looking great "just glued", as textile art and picture on your wall. Using fusible interfacings!


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